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Помогают ли вам родители с детьми? -3

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Уважаемые модераторы! Прошу Вас, не ругайтесь, если похожая тема есть. Хочется обсудить с форумчанами данную ситуацию и узнать их мнение.

Дело в том, что одного нашего сотрудника отправляют в командировку для работы на севере на два месяца (там находится один из филиалов нашей компании). Его жена тоже у нас работает, занимает ИТРовскую должность, поэтому часто домой приезжает вместо 19 часов в 21-22, иногда приходится и по выходным выходить на работу.

У них двое детей - школьников 9 и 8 лет. Так вот, после того, как на сотрудника пришёл приказ на командировку, он написАл заявление, в котором просил оплатить пребывание детей в круглогодичном лагере на протяжении всего срока командировки.

Сказать, что я удивилась - значит, ничего не сказать. У них две бабушки, причём, если мать жены ещё работает по сменному графику, то мать мужа давно на пенсии и всегда рада посидеть с внуками.

Я решила поговорить с женой этого сотрудника (просто знаю их семью, да и деток жалко - они такие домашние, а тут вдруг снять со школы и отправить на два месяца неизвестно куда).

Я спросила:"А вам с мужем не жалко отправлять детей за сотню км от дома, неизвестно куда? Тут у них свой дом, своя школа, где любимые учителя и друзья?". А сотрудница ответила, что нет, не жалко, мало ли, что дети думают, их чувства не надо брать в расчёт, они ничего не понимают.

Когда я робко намекнула на наличие бабушек, она ответила, что у них в семье детей воспитывают только мама и папа. К бабушкам дети ходят в гости, причём, ведут там себя именно как в гостях. Ночуют у бабушек крайне редко и только в качестве особого поощрения, которое надо заслужить.

Вообще, они ещё когда поженились, решили, что к услугам бабушек прибегать не будут или будут, но только по крайней необходимости. Так и есть. Всё стараются делать сами.

Когда дети ходили в садик, они очень редко просили бабушек забрать их оттуда. В основном, сами старались как-то пораньше приехать или звонили воспитателям и предупреждали, что задержатся минут на 10.

Когда дети пошли в школу, они дали им ключ от квартиры, чтобы дети приходили домой, а не к бабушке. И дети приходят домой, сами греют себе еду, делают уроки, идут гулять. Фактически, предоставлены сами себе. Родители контролируют их по телефону. При этом, в соседнем микрорайоне живёт бабушка- пенсионерка, которая всегда дома.

Сотрудница сказала, что они с мужем специально так решили, чтоб ничем не быть обязанными родителям. Вот, мол, мы Вас не просим с детьми сидеть, и Вы нас ни о чём не просите. В общем, как бы отгородились от родителей стеной.

Когда им нужна была квартира, мать мужа предложила разменять свою (она одна живёт в большой трёшке), но они категорически отказались и взяли ипотеку, которую сами выплачивают. В общем, чётко расставили границы: вот Ваша семья, а вот наша. Вы живите как хотите, и мы тоже будем жить как хотим.

Не знаю, кто как, а я этого не понимаю. У нас с мамой напряжённые отношения, но когда она выходная, а мы с мужем работаем, она приходит к нам или сын из школы идёт к ней. Она кормит его обедом, они вместе идут гулять, потом сын делает уроки, а мама моя проверяет его. И это не потому, что я прошу её об этом, просто я вижу, что она любит внука и он любит её, да и ребёнок под присмотром. Я считаю, что такое положение вещей в нашей семье вполне нормально. Кстати, когда моей маме нужны деньги, мы всегда ей их даём, да ещё и холодилиник затариваем.

Когда я сказала сотруднице, что я ни за что не стала бы отправлять ребёнка в казённое учреждение, если рядом бабушка, она ответила, что я не права. Что лучше сейчас как-то перебиться самим, не прибегая к помоши родителей, чтоб потом у них не было никаких претензий к тебе.

И вот мне интересно, как бы Вы поступили в данной ситауции?

НДП, пожалуйста.



Уважаемые модераторы! Прошу Вас, не ругайтесь, если похожая тема есть. Хочется обсудить с форумчанами данную ситуацию и узнать их мнение.

Дело в том, что одного нашего сотрудника отправляют в командировку для работы на севере на два месяца (там находится один из филиалов нашей компании). Его жена тоже у нас работает, занимает ИТРовскую должность, поэтому часто домой приезжает вместо 19 часов в 21-22, иногда приходится и по выходным выходить на работу.

У них двое детей - школьников 9 и 8 лет. Так вот, после того, как на сотрудника пришёл приказ на командировку, он написАл заявление, в котором просил оплатить пребывание детей в круглогодичном лагере на протяжении всего срока командировки.

Сказать, что я удивилась - значит, ничего не сказать. У них две бабушки, причём, если мать жены ещё работает по сменному графику, то мать мужа давно на пенсии и всегда рада посидеть с внуками.

Я решила поговорить с женой этого сотрудника (просто знаю их семью, да и деток жалко - они такие домашние, а тут вдруг снять со школы и отправить на два месяца неизвестно куда).

Я спросила:"А вам с мужем не жалко отправлять детей за сотню км от дома, неизвестно куда? Тут у них свой дом, своя школа, где любимые учителя и друзья?". А сотрудница ответила, что нет, не жалко, мало ли, что дети думают, их чувства не надо брать в расчёт, они ничего не понимают.

Когда я робко намекнула на наличие бабушек, она ответила, что у них в семье детей воспитывают только мама и папа. К бабушкам дети ходят в гости, причём, ведут там себя именно как в гостях. Ночуют у бабушек крайне редко и только в качестве особого поощрения, которое надо заслужить.

Вообще, они ещё когда поженились, решили, что к услугам бабушек прибегать не будут или будут, но только по крайней необходимости. Так и есть. Всё стараются делать сами.

Когда дети ходили в садик, они очень редко просили бабушек забрать их оттуда. В основном, сами старались как-то пораньше приехать или звонили воспитателям и предупреждали, что задержатся минут на 10.

Когда дети пошли в школу, они дали им ключ от квартиры, чтобы дети приходили домой, а не к бабушке. И дети приходят домой, сами греют себе еду, делают уроки, идут гулять. Фактически, предоставлены сами себе. Родители контролируют их по телефону. При этом, в соседнем микрорайоне живёт бабушка- пенсионерка, которая всегда дома.

Сотрудница сказала, что они с мужем специально так решили, чтоб ничем не быть обязанными родителям. Вот, мол, мы Вас не просим с детьми сидеть, и Вы нас ни о чём не просите. В общем, как бы отгородились от родителей стеной.

Когда им нужна была квартира, мать мужа предложила разменять свою (она одна живёт в большой трёшке), но они категорически отказались и взяли ипотеку, которую сами выплачивают. В общем, чётко расставили границы: вот Ваша семья, а вот наша. Вы живите как хотите, и мы тоже будем жить как хотим.



Не знаю, кто как, а я этого не понимаю. У нас с мамой напряжённые отношения, но когда она выходная, а мы с мужем работаем, она приходит к нам или сын из школы идёт к ней. Она кормит его обедом, они вместе идут гулять, потом сын делает уроки, а мама моя проверяет его. И это не потому, что я прошу её об этом, просто я вижу, что она любит внука и он любит её, да и ребёнок под присмотром. Я считаю, что такое положение вещей в нашей семье вполне нормально. Кстати, когда моей маме нужны деньги, мы всегда ей их даём, да ещё и холодилиник затариваем.

Когда я сказала сотруднице, что я ни за что не стала бы отправлять ребёнка в казённое учреждение, если рядом бабушка, она ответила, что я не права. Что лучше сейчас как-то перебиться самим, не прибегая к помоши родителей, чтоб потом у них не было никаких претензий к тебе.

И вот мне интересно, как бы Вы поступили в данной ситауции?

НДП, пожалуйста.




Когда я сказала сотруднице, что я ни за что не стала бы отправлять ребёнка в казённое учреждение, если рядом бабушка, она ответила, что я не права. Что лучше сейчас как-то перебиться самим, не прибегая к помоши родителей, чтоб потом у них не было никаких претензий к тебе.

И вот мне интересно, как бы Вы поступили в данной ситауции?

НДП, пожалуйста.



tors! I beg you, do not swear if there is a similar topic. I would like to discuss this situation with the forum users and find out their opinion.

The fact is that one of our employees is sent on a business trip to work in the north for two months (one of our company branches is located there). His wife also works for us, holds an ITR position, so he often comes home instead of 19 hours at 21-22, and sometimes he has to go to work on weekends.

They have two children - schoolchildren 9 and 8 years old. So, after the employee received an order for a business trip, he wrote a statement in which he asked to pay for the stay of children in a year-round camp throughout the duration of the business trip.

To say that I was surprised is to say nothing. They have two grandmothers, and if the wife’s mother is still working on a shift schedule, her husband’s mother has long been retired and is always happy to sit with her grandchildren.

I decided to talk with the wife of this employee (I just know their family, and it’s a pity for the children - they are so homely, and then suddenly I’m removed from school and sent for two months, I don’t know where).

I asked: "And you and your husband do not mind sending children a hundred kilometers from home, it is not known where? Here they have their own home, their own school, where are your favorite teachers and friends?" And the employee replied that no, it’s not a pity, you never know what the children think, their feelings do not need to be taken into account, they do not understand anything.

When I timidly hinted at the presence of grandmothers, she replied that only their mother and father raised their children in the family. Children visit their grandmothers, moreover, they behave there just as if they were visiting. Grandmothers spend the night extremely rarely and only as a special encouragement, which must be earned.

In general, when they got married, they decided that they would not or would not resort to the services of grandmothers, but only if absolutely necessary. And there is. They try to do everything themselves.

When children went to kindergarten, they very rarely asked their grandmothers to pick them up from there. Basically, they themselves tried to arrive early or called the teachers and warned that they would be delayed for 10 minutes.

When the children went to school, they gave them the key to the apartment so that the children would come home, not to their grandmother. And the children come home, they warm their own food, do homework, go for a walk. In fact, left to their own devices. Parents control them over the phone. At the same time, a pensioner grandmother lives in a neighboring microdistrict, who is always at home.

The employee said that she and her husband specifically decided so that they should not be obligated to their parents. Well, they say, we don’t ask you to sit with the children, and you don’t ask us for anything. In general, as if fenced off from the parents by the wall.

When they needed an apartment, her husband’s mother offered to exchange her own (she lives alone in a big three-ruble note), but they categorically refused and took a mortgage, which they themselves paid. In general, we clearly set the boundaries: here is your family, and here is ours. You live as you want, and we will live as we want.

I don’t know how, but I don’t understand this. My mother and I have a tense relationship, but when she is off, and my husband and I work, she comes to us or the son from school goes to her. She feeds him lunch, they go for a walk together, then my son does his homework, and my mother checks him. And this is not because I ask her about it, I just see that she loves her grandson and he loves her, and the child is supervised. I believe that this state of affairs in our family is quite normal. By the way, when my mother needs money, we always give it to her, and even pack the refrigerator.

When I told the employee that I would never send a child to a government institution if my grandmother was nearby, she replied that I was wrong. What’s better now to somehow interrupt ourselves, without resorting to the help of parents, so that later they would have no complaints about you.

And here I am wondering, what would you do in this situation?

NDP, please



I decided to talk with the wife of this employee (I just know their family, and it’s a pity for the children - they are so homely, and then suddenly I’m removed from school and sent for two months, I don’t know where).

I asked: "And you and your husband do not mind sending children a hundred kilometers from home, it is not known where? Here they have their own home, their own school, where are your favorite teachers and friends?" And the employee replied that no, it’s not a pity, you never know what the children think, their feelings do not need to be taken into account, they do not understand anything.

When I timidly hinted at the presence of grandmothers, she replied that only their mother and father raised their children in the family. Children visit their grandmothers, moreover, they behave there just as if they were visiting. Grandmothers spend the night extremely rarely and only as a special encouragement, which must be earned.

In general, when they got married, they decided that they would not or would not resort to the services of grandmothers, but only if absolutely necessary. And there is. They try to do everything themselves.

When children went to kindergarten, they very rarely asked their grandmothers to pick them up from there. Basically, they themselves tried to arrive early or called the teachers and warned that they would be delayed for 10 minutes.

When the children went to school, they gave them the key to the apartment so that the children would come home, not to their grandmother. And the children come home, they warm their own food, do homework, go for a walk. In fact, left to their own devices. Parents control them over the phone. At the same time, a pensioner grandmother lives in a neighboring microdistrict, who is always at home.

The employee said that she and her husband specifically decided so that they should not be obligated to their parents. Well, they say, we don’t ask you to sit with the children, and you don’t ask us for anything. In general, as if fenced off from the parents by the wall.

When they needed an apartment, her husband’s mother offered to exchange her own (she lives alone in a big three-ruble note), but they categorically refused and took a mortgage, which they themselves paid. In general, we clearly set the boundaries: here is your family, and here is ours. You live as you want, and we will live as we want.

I don’t know how, but I don’t understand this. My mother and I have a tense relationship, but when she is off, and my husband and I work, she comes to us or the son from school goes to her. She feeds him lunch, they go for a walk together, then my son does his homework, and my mother checks him. And this is not because I ask her about it, I just see that she loves her grandson and he loves her, and the child is supervised. I believe that this state of affairs in our family is quite normal. By the way, when my mother needs money, we always give it to her, and even pack the refrigerator.

When I told the employee that I would never send a child to a government institution if my grandmother was nearby, she replied that I was wrong. What’s better now to somehow interrupt ourselves, without resorting to the help of parents, so that later they would have no complaints about you.

And here I am wondering, what would you do in this situation?

NDP, please



The employee said that she and her husband specifically decided so that they should not be obligated to their parents. Well, they say, we don’t ask you to sit with the children, and you don’t ask us for anything. In general, as if fenced off from the parents by the wall.

When they needed an apartment, her husband’s mother offered to exchange her own (she lives alone in a big three-ruble note), but they categorically refused and took a mortgage, which they themselves paid. In general, we clearly set the boundaries: here is your family, and here is ours. You live as you want, and we will live as we want.

I don’t know how, but I don’t understand this. My mother and I have a tense relationship, but when she is off, and my husband and I work, she comes to us or the son from school goes to her. She feeds him lunch, they go for a walk together, then my son does his homework, and my mother checks him. And this is not because I ask her about it, I just see that she loves her grandson and he loves her, and the child is supervised. I believe that this state of affairs in our family is quite normal. By the way, when my mother needs money, we always give it to her, and even pack the refrigerator.

When I told the employee that I would never send a child to a government institution if my grandmother was nearby, she replied that I was wrong. What’s better now to somehow interrupt ourselves, without resorting to the help of parents, so that later they would have no complaints about you.

And here I am wondering, what would you do in this situation?

NDP, please



tors! I beg you, do not swear if there is a similar topic. I would like to discuss this situation with the forum users and find out their opinion.

The fact is that one of our employees is sent on a business trip to work in the north for two months (one of our company branches is located there). His wife also works for us, holds an ITR position, so he often comes home instead of 19 hours at 21-22, and sometimes he has to go to work on weekends.



tors! I beg you, do not swear if there is a similar topic. I would like to discuss this situation with the forum users and find out their opinion.

The fact is that one of our employees is sent on a business trip to work in the north for two months (one of our company branches is located there). His wife also works for us, holds an ITR position, so he often comes home instead of 19 hours at 21-22, and sometimes he has to go to work on weekends.

They have two children - schoolchildren 9 and 8 years old. So, after the employee received an order for a business trip, he wrote a statement in which he asked to pay for the stay of children in a year-round camp throughout the duration of the business trip.

To say that I was surprised is to say nothing. They have two grandmothers, and if the wife’s mother is still working on a shift schedule, her husband’s mother has long been retired and is always happy to sit with her grandchildren.

I decided to talk with the wife of this employee (I just know their family, and it’s a pity for the children - they are so homely, and then suddenly I’m removed from school and sent for two months, I don’t know where).

I asked: "And you and your husband do not mind sending children a hundred kilometers from home, it is not known where? Here they have their own home, their own school, where are your favorite teachers and friends?" And the employee replied that no, it’s not a pity, you never know what the children think, their feelings do not need to be taken into account, they do not understand anything.

When I timidly hinted at the presence of grandmothers, she replied that only their mother and father raised their children in the family. Children visit their grandmothers, moreover, they behave there just as if they were visiting. Grandmothers spend the night extremely rarely and only as a special encouragement, which must be earned.

In general, when they got married, they decided that they would not or would not resort to the services of grandmothers, but only if absolutely necessary. And there is. They try to do everything themselves.

When children went to kindergarten, they very rarely asked their grandmothers to pick them up from there. Basically, they themselves tried to arrive early or called the teachers and warned that they would be delayed for 10 minutes.

When the children went to school, they gave them the key to the apartment so that the children would come home, not to their grandmother. And the children come home, they warm their own food, do homework, go for a walk. In fact, left to their own devices. Parents control them over the phone. At the same time, a pensioner grandmother lives in a neighboring microdistrict, who is always at home.

The employee said that she and her husband specifically decided so that they should not be obligated to their parents. Well, they say, we don’t ask you to sit with the children, and you don’t ask us for anything. In general, as if fenced off from the parents by the wall.

When they needed an apartment, her husband’s mother offered to exchange her own (she lives alone in a big three-ruble note), but they categorically refused and took a mortgage, which they themselves paid. In general, we clearly set the boundaries: here is your family, and here is ours. You live as you want, and we will live as we want.

I don’t know how, but I don’t understand this. My mother and I have a tense relationship, but when she is off, and my husband and I work, she comes to us or the son from school goes to her. She feeds him lunch, they go for a walk together, then my son does his homework, and my mother checks him. And this is not because I ask her about it, I just see that she loves her grandson and he loves her, and the child is supervised. I believe that this state of affairs in our family is quite normal. By the way, when my mother needs money, we always give it to her, and even pack the refrigerator.

When I told the employee that I would never send a child to a government institution if my grandmother was nearby, she replied that I was wrong. What’s better now to somehow interrupt ourselves, without resorting to the help of parents, so that later they would have no complaints about you.

And here I am wondering, what would you do in this situation?

NDP, please




When the children went to school, they gave them the key to the apartment so that the children would come home, not to their grandmother. And the children come home, they warm their own food, do homework, go for a walk. In fact, left to their own devices. Parents control them over the phone. At the same time, a pensioner grandmother lives in a neighboring microdistrict, who is always at home.

The employee said that she and her husband specifically decided so that they should not be obligated to their parents. Well, they say, we don’t ask you to sit with the children, and you don’t ask us for anything. In general, as if fenced off from the parents by the wall.

When they needed an apartment, her husband’s mother offered to exchange her own (she lives alone in a big three-ruble note), but they categorically refused and took a mortgage, which they themselves paid. In general, we clearly set the boundaries: here is your family, and here is ours. You live as you want, and we will live as we want.




tors! I beg you, do not swear if there is a similar topic. I would like to discuss this situation with the forum users and find out their opinion.

The fact is that one of our employees is sent on a business trip to work in the north for two months (one of our company branches is located there). His wife also works for us, holds an ITR position, so he often comes home instead of 19 hours at 21-22, and sometimes he has to go to work on weekends.

They have two children - schoolchildren 9 and 8 years old. So, after the employee received an order for a business trip, he wrote a statement in which he asked to pay for the stay of children in a year-round camp throughout the duration of the business trip.

To say that I was surprised is to say nothing. They have two grandmothers, and if the wife’s mother is still working on a shift schedule, her husband’s mother has long been retired and is always happy to sit with her grandchildren.

I decided to talk with the wife of this employee (I just know their family, and it’s a pity for the children - they are so homely, and then suddenly I’m removed from school and sent for two months, I don’t know where).

I asked: "And you and your husband do not mind sending children a hundred kilometers from home, it is not known where? Here they have their own home, their own school, where are your favorite teachers and friends?" And the employee replied that no, it’s not a pity, you never know what the children think, their feelings do not need to be taken into account, they do not understand anything.

When I timidly hinted at the presence of grandmothers, she replied that only their mother and father raised their children in the family. Children visit their grandmothers, moreover, they behave there just as if they were visiting. Grandmothers spend the night extremely rarely and only as a special encouragement, which must be earned.

In general, when they got married, they decided that they would not or would not resort to the services of grandmothers, but only if absolutely necessary. And there is. They try to do everything themselves.

When children went to kindergarten, they very rarely asked their grandmothers to pick them up from there. Basically, they themselves tried to arrive early or called the teachers and warned that they would be delayed for 10 minutes.

When the children went to school, they gave them the key to the apartment so that the children would come home, not to their grandmother. And the children come home, they warm their own food, do homework, go for a walk. In fact, left to their own devices. Parents control them over the phone. At the same time, a pensioner grandmother lives in a neighboring microdistrict, who is always at home.

The employee said that she and her husband specifically decided so that they should not be obligated to their parents. Well, they say, we don’t ask you to sit with the children, and you don’t ask us for anything. In general, as if fenced off from the parents by the wall.

When they needed an apartment, her husband’s mother offered to exchange her own (she lives alone in a big three-ruble note), but they categorically refused and took a mortgage, which they themselves paid. In general, we clearly set the boundaries: here is your family, and here is ours. You live as you want, and we will live as we want.


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