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Хочу взять внучку на отдых, невестка против

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Всем добрый вечер!

   Долго искала веточку, куда бы пристроить свою проблему, по- моему,  сюда)

   Мне - 52.  Я - бабушка  2-х внуков. Старшей- 7 лет, младшему - год. С  внучкой у нас взаимная любовь- любовь))). Она росла на моих глазах, жили молодые с ее рождения со мной и моим вторым мужем в 30 кв м., в её года 3 ушли на съем. Ее мама рано вышла на работу, и ребенок очень часто была со мной. Надо еще сказать, что невестка с очень сложным взрывным характером. Она сама об этом тоже знает,  и говорит, что если её сыну , которого она безумно любит, достанется такая жена, как она, то сразу её прибьет. А и я , и сын с  достаточно мягкими характерами, стараемся избегать конфликтов, но не бесхребетные.... Так сложилось, что еще до выхода на пенсию, я была относительно свободна в зимнее время- подрабатывала в колледже ( поэтому ее мама больничные не брала, я с внучкой всегда сидела), и очень занята в летний период- сезонная работа, связанная с туризмом. После выхода на пенсию продолжаю работать, а вернее вкалывать без преувеличения, урывая на сон по 4-5 часов в сутки, летом . Так сложилось, что последние три года я в октябре месяце, после моей летней работы, после того, что смогла заработать за сезон достаточно средств на наш с ней отдых и не только, с внучкой улетали на море, восстановится самой, да и без нее мне не интересно. Я и отель всегда выбирала под нее, мне же достаточно и "тюленьего отдыха", главное переключиться и потом не "работать всеми ночами" пол зимы)...

  А теперь- проблема. Внучка пошла в первый класс.  Я летом, как ко мне ребенок не рвался, редко брала к её себе, говоря, что мне нужно заработать деньги нам на отдых. А в свои так называемые выходные, я постоянно по телефону решала вопросы, так как у нас в отделе все новенькие, а логистика очень сложная, и не могла бы внучке уделить должного внимания. И вот получила ситуацию из серии " получи фашист гранату..." Невестка не отпускает ребенка, мотивируя тем, что нельзя пропускать школу. Я хотела взять путевку с 19 октября на 2 недели, то есть  мы пропускаем 5  учебных дней до школьных каникул. Говорила, что сама схожу в школу, возьму все задания, мы все с ней отработаем, но невестка категорически против, мотивируя тем, что  для школы эти пропуски будут являться неуважительной причиной, и что внучка не будет воспринимать занятия со мной в должной мере, так как я бабушка...А я сама- бывший преподаватель, правда старших классов, но была сильным педагогом, работала и в коррекционных классах, и с обычными детьми, в школе, колледже, читала лекции и в университете,  занималась и  репетиторством, ко мне в очередь записывались. Сын же за то, что бы ребенок полетел на море. В итоге- у нас  дикий скандал. Хочу еще добавить, что невестка сейчас не работает, в декрете, они взяли ипотеку, Живем в провинции на севере, это к тому, что в ближайшие 10 лет они ребенка вывести на море не смогут, если я им все не оплачу. Но зимой у меня только пенсия, а заработок я получаю ближе к сентябрю. Ехать только на осенние каникулы- получится неделя, не вижу смысла, только пройдет адаптация- и лететь обратно. Одной- не хочу, да и как я ребенку потом в глаза смотреть буду, она так ждет этой поездки...

   Короче- диалемма: 5 пропущенных учебных дней и в результате 2 недели на море, или совсем отказаться от поездки- 7 дней моря, с таким перепадом климатических условий, я лично, смысла не вижу, и не понимаю истерик невестки по 5 пропущенным дням... И одна я не поеду.

  Что скажете вы, мамочки первоклассников и учителя начальных классов?  Что посоветуете? Мое окружение поддерживает меня, но хочу услышать мнение со стороны, может мы с сыном не правы и не правильно оцениваем ситуацию, и права невестка, и я думаю только о себе и поступаю эгоистически и действую во вред внучке...  Готова услышать любое мнение со стороны, честно. Помогите определиться в приоритетах



шли на съем. Ее мама рано вышла на работу, и ребенок очень часто была со мной. Надо еще сказать, что невестка с очень сложным взрывным характером. Она сама об этом тоже знает,  и говорит, что если её сыну , которого она безумно любит, достанется такая жена, как она, то сразу её прибьет. А и я , и сын с  достаточно мягкими характерами, стараемся избегать конфликтов, но не бесхребетные.... Так сложилось, что еще до выхода на пенсию, я была относительно свободна в зимнее время- подрабатывала в колледже ( поэтому ее мама больничные не брала, я с внучкой всегда сидела), и очень занята в летний период- сезонная работа, связанная с туризмом. После выхода на пенсию продолжаю работать, а вернее вкалывать без преувеличения, урывая на сон по 4-5 часов в сутки, летом . Так сложилось, что последние три года я в октябре месяце, после моей летней работы, после того, что смогла заработать за сезон достаточно средств на наш с ней отдых и не только, с внучкой улетали на море, восстановится самой, да и без нее мне не интересно. Я и отель всегда выбирала под нее, мне же достаточно и "тюленьего отдыха", главное переключиться и потом не "работать всеми ночами" пол зимы)...

  А теперь- проблема. Внучка пошла в первый класс.  Я летом, как ко мне ребенок не рвался, редко брала к её себе, говоря, что мне нужно заработать деньги нам на отдых. А в свои так называемые выходные, я постоянно по телефону решала вопросы, так как у нас в отделе все новенькие, а логистика очень сложная, и не могла бы внучке уделить должного внимания. И вот получила ситуацию из серии " получи фашист гранату..." Невестка не отпускает ребенка, мотивируя тем, что нельзя пропускать школу. Я хотела взять путевку с 19 октября на 2 недели, то есть  мы пропускаем 5  учебных дней до школьных каникул. Говорила, что сама схожу в школу, возьму все задания, мы все с ней отработаем, но невестка категорически против, мотивируя тем, что  для школы эти пропуски будут являться неуважительной причиной, и что внучка не будет воспринимать занятия со мной в должной мере, так как я бабушка...А я сама- бывший преподаватель, правда старших классов, но была сильным педагогом, работала и в коррекционных классах, и с обычными детьми, в школе, колледже, читала лекции и в университете,  занималась и  репетиторством, ко мне в очередь записывались. Сын же за то, что бы ребенок полетел на море. В итоге- у нас  дикий скандал. Хочу еще добавить, что невестка сейчас не работает, в декрете, они взяли ипотеку, Живем в провинции на севере, это к тому, что в ближайшие 10 лет они ребенка вывести на море не смогут, если я им все не оплачу. Но зимой у меня только пенсия, а заработок я получаю ближе к сентябрю. Ехать только на осенние каникулы- получится неделя, не вижу смысла, только пройдет адаптация- и лететь обратно. Одной- не хочу, да и как я ребенку потом в глаза смотреть буду, она так ждет этой поездки...

   Короче- диалемма: 5 пропущенных учебных дней и в результате 2 недели на море, или совсем отказаться от поездки- 7 дней моря, с таким перепадом климатических условий, я лично, смысла не вижу, и не понимаю истерик невестки по 5 пропущенным дням... И одна я не поеду.

  Что скажете вы, мамочки первоклассников и учителя начальных классов?  Что посоветуете? Мое окружение поддерживает меня, но хочу услышать мнение со стороны, может мы с сыном не правы и не правильно оцениваем ситуацию, и права невестка, и я думаю только о себе и поступаю эгоистически и действую во вред внучке...  Готова услышать любое мнение со стороны, честно. Помогите определиться в приоритетах



Короче- диалемма: 5 пропущенных учебных дней и в результате 2 недели на море, или совсем отказаться от поездки- 7 дней моря, с таким перепадом климатических условий, я лично, смысла не вижу, и не понимаю истерик невестки по 5 пропущенным дням... И одна я не поеду.

  Что скажете вы, мамочки первоклассников и учителя начальных классов?  Что посоветуете? Мое окружение поддерживает меня, но хочу услышать мнение со стороны, может мы с сыном не правы и не правильно оцениваем ситуацию, и права невестка, и я думаю только о себе и поступаю эгоистически и действую во вред внучке...  Готова услышать любое мнение со стороны, честно. Помогите определиться в приоритетах



Good evening everyone! For a long time I was looking for a branch where I could attach my problem, I think, here) I am 52. I am a grandmother of 2 grandchildren. The oldest is 7 years old, the youngest is one year old. With our granddaughter, we have mutual love, love))). She grew up before my eyes, lived young from her birth with me and my second husband in 30 sq. M., In her 3 years went to rent. Her mother went to work early, and the child was very often with me. I must also say that the daughter-in-law with a very complex explosive character. She herself also knows about this, and says that if her son, whom she loves madly, gets a wife like her, she will immediately beat her. And I, and a son with rather soft characters, try to avoid conflicts, but not spineless .... It so happened that even before retiring, I was relatively free in the winter, I worked part time in college (so her mother did not take hospital , I always sat with my granddaughter), and I’m very busy in the summer - seasonal work related to tourism. After retirement I continue to work, or rather to work hard without exaggeration, taking me to sleep 4-5 hours a day, in the summer. It so happened that the last three years I was in the month of October, after my summer work, after I was able to earn enough money for the season for our vacation with her, and not only, with my granddaughter flew to the sea, I will recover myself, and without it I not interested. I always chose a hotel for her, but “seal rest” is enough for me, the main thing is to switch and then not “work all nights” for half a winter) ... And now there is a problem. Granddaughter went to first grade. In the summer, as a child didn’t want me, I rarely took to her, saying that I need to earn money for our vacation. And on my so-called weekend, I was constantly resolving issues over the phone, because everything in our department was new, and the logistics were very complicated, and I couldn’t have paid the granddaughter proper attention. And now I got the situation from the series “get the fascist grenade ...” The daughter-in-law does not let the child go, motivating her not to miss school. I wanted to take a ticket from October 19 for 2 weeks, that is, we miss 5 school days before school holidays. She said that I’m going to school myself, I’ll take all the tasks, we will all work with her, but my daughter-in-law is categorically against, reasoning that these omissions will be a disrespectful reason for the school, and that the granddaughter will not take classes with me properly, as I am a grandmother ... But I myself am a former teacher, although I was in high school, but I was a strong teacher, I worked in correctional classes and with ordinary children, at school, college, lectured at the university, and was engaged in tutoring, to me were recorded in the queue. My son, for a child to fly to the sea. As a result, we have a wild scandal. I also want to add that the daughter-in-law is not working now, on maternity leave, they took a mortgage, We live in a province in the north, this is because in the next 10 years they won’t be able to take their children to the sea if I don’t pay them all. But in winter I only have a pension, and I get my income closer to September. To go only for the autumn holidays, it will be a week, I see no reason, only adaptation will take place, and fly back. I don’t want one, and how I’ll look into the child’s eyes later, she is waiting for this trip ... In short, the dialect: 5 missed school days and, as a result, 2 weeks at sea, or completely abandon the trip, 7 days of the sea, with such a difference in climatic conditions, I personally don’t see the point, and I don’t understand the sister-in-law’s tantrums on the 5 days that were missed ... And I won’t go alone. What do you say, first-graders moms and primary school teachers? What do you advise? My environment supports me, but I want to hear an opinion from the outside, maybe my son and I are wrong and we are not correctly assessing the situation, and the daughter-in-law is right, and I only think about myself and act selfishly and act to the detriment of my granddaughter ... I’m ready to hear any opinion from parties honestly. Help determine the prioritiesGood evening everyone! For a long time I was looking for a branch where I could attach my problem, I think, here) I am 52. I am a grandmother of 2 grandchildren. The oldest is 7 years old, the youngest is one year old. With our granddaughter, we have mutual love, love))). She grew up before my eyes, lived young from her birth with me and my second husband in 30 sq. M., In her 3 years went to rent. Her mother went to work early, and the child was very often with me. I must also say that the daughter-in-law with a very complex explosive character. She herself also knows about this, and says that if her son, whom she loves madly, gets a wife like her, she will immediately beat her. And I, and a son with rather soft characters, try to avoid conflicts, but not spineless .... It so happened that even before retiring, I was relatively free in the winter, I worked part time in college (so her mother did not take hospital , I always sat with my granddaughter), and I’m very busy in the summer - seasonal work related to tourism. After retirement I continue to work, or rather to work hard without exaggeration, taking me to sleep 4-5 hours a day, in the summer. It so happened that the last three years I was in the month of October, after my summer work, after I was able to earn enough money for the season for our vacation with her, and not only, with my granddaughter flew to the sea, I will recover myself, and without it I not interested. I always chose a hotel for her, but “seal rest” is enough for me, the main thing is to switch and then not “work all nights” for half a winter) ... And now there is a problem. Granddaughter went to first grade. In the summer, as a child didn’t want me, I rarely took to her, saying that I need to earn money for our vacation. And on my so-called weekend, I was constantly resolving issues over the phone, because everything in our department was new, and the logistics were very complicated, and I couldn’t have paid the granddaughter proper attention. And now I got the situation from the series “get the fascist grenade ...” The daughter-in-law does not let the child go, motivating her not to miss school. I wanted to take a ticket from October 19 for 2 weeks, that is, we miss 5 school days before school holidays. She said that I’m going to school myself, I’ll take all the tasks, we will all work with her, but my daughter-in-law is categorically against, reasoning that these omissions will be a disrespectful reason for the school, and that the granddaughter will not take classes with me properly, as I am a grandmother ... But I myself am a former teacher, although I was in high school, but I was a strong teacher, I worked in correctional classes and with ordinary children, at school, college, lectured at the university, and was engaged in tutoring, to me were recorded in the queue. My son, for a child to fly to the sea. As a result, we have a wild scandal. I also want to add that the daughter-in-law is not working now, on maternity leave, they took a mortgage, We live in a province in the north, this is because in the next 10 years they won’t be able to take their children to the sea if I don’t pay them all. But in winter I only have a pension, and I get my income closer to September. To go only for the autumn holidays, it will be a week, I see no reason, only adaptation will take place, and fly back. I don’t want one, and how I’ll look into the child’s eyes later, she is waiting for this trip ... In short, the dialect: 5 missed school days and, as a result, 2 weeks at sea, or completely abandon the trip, 7 days of the sea, with such a difference in climatic conditions, I personally don’t see the point, and I don’t understand the sister-in-law’s tantrums on the 5 days that were missed ... And I won’t go alone. What do you say, first-graders moms and primary school teachers? What do you advise? My environment supports me, but I want to hear an opinion from the outside, maybe my son and I are wrong and we are not correctly assessing the situation, and the daughter-in-law is right, and I only think about myself and act selfishly and act to the detriment of my granddaughter ... I’m ready to hear any opinion from parties honestly. Help determine the prioritiesGood evening everyone! For a long time I was looking for a branch where I could attach my problem, I think, here) I am 52. I am a grandmother of 2 grandchildren. The oldest is 7 years old, the youngest is one year old. With our granddaughter, we have mutual love, love))). She grew up before my eyes, lived young from her birth with me and my second husband in 30 sq. M., In her 3 years went to rent. Her mother went to work early, and the child was very often with me. I must also say that the daughter-in-law with a very complex explosive character. She herself also knows about this, and says that if her son, whom she loves madly, gets a wife like her, she will immediately beat her. And I, and a son with rather soft characters, try to avoid conflicts, but not spineless .... It so happened that even before retiring, I was relatively free in the winter, I worked part time in college (so her mother did not take hospital , I always sat with my granddaughter), and I’m very busy in the summer - seasonal work related to tourism. After retirement I continue to work, or rather to work hard without exaggeration, taking me to sleep 4-5 hours a day, in the summer. It so happened that the last three years I was in the month of October, after my summer work, after I was able to earn enough money for the season for our vacation with her, and not only, with my granddaughter flew to the sea, I will recover myself, and without it I not interested. I always chose a hotel for her, but “seal rest” is enough for me, the main thing is to switch and then not “work all nights” for half a winter) ... And now there is a problem. Granddaughter went to first grade. In the summer, as a child didn’t want me, I rarely took to her, saying that I need to earn money for our vacation. And on my so-called weekend, I was constantly resolving issues over the phone, because everything in our department was new, and the logistics were very complicated, and I couldn’t have paid the granddaughter proper attention. And now I got the situation from the series “get the fascist grenade ...” The daughter-in-law does not let the child go, motivating her not to miss school. I wanted to take a ticket from October 19 for 2 weeks, that is, we miss 5 school days before school holidays. She said that I’m going to school myself, I’ll take all the tasks, we will all work with her, but my daughter-in-law is categorically against, reasoning that these omissions will be a disrespectful reason for the school, and that the granddaughter will not take classes with me properly, as I am a grandmother ... But I myself am a former teacher, although I was in high school, but I was a strong teacher, I worked in correctional classes and with ordinary children, at school, college, lectured at the university, and was engaged in tutoring, to me were recorded in the queue. My son, for a child to fly to the sea. As a result, we have a wild scandal. I also want to add that the daughter-in-law is not working now, on maternity leave, they took a mortgage, We live in a province in the north, this is because in the next 10 years they won’t be able to take their children to the sea if I don’t pay them all. But in winter I only have a pension, and I get my income closer to September. To go only for the autumn holidays, it will be a week, I see no reason, only adaptation will take place, and fly back. I don’t want one, and how I’ll look into the child’s eyes later, she is waiting for this trip ... In short, the dialect: 5 missed school days and, as a result, 2 weeks at sea, or completely abandon the trip, 7 days of the sea, with such a difference in climatic conditions, I personally don’t see the point, and I don’t understand the sister-in-law’s tantrums on the 5 days that were missed ... And I won’t go alone. What do you say, first-graders moms and primary school teachers? What do you advise? My environment supports me, but I want to hear an opinion from the outside, maybe my son and I are wrong and we are not correctly assessing the situation, and the daughter-in-law is right, and I only think about myself and act selfishly and act to the detriment of my granddaughter ... I’m ready to hear any opinion from parties honestly. Help determine the priorities



be able to take their children to the sea if I don’t pay them all. But in winter I only have a pension, and I get my income closer to September. To go only for the autumn holidays, it will be a week, I see no reason, only adaptation will take place, and fly back. I don’t want one, and how I’ll look into the child’s eyes later, she is waiting for this trip ... In short, the dialect: 5 missed school days and, as a result, 2 weeks at sea, or completely abandon the trip, 7 days of the sea, with such a difference in climatic conditions, I personally don’t see the point, and I don’t understand the sister-in-law’s tantrums on the 5 days that were missed ... And I won’t go alone. What do you say, first-graders moms and primary school teachers? What do you advise? My environment supports me, but I want to hear an opinion from the outside, maybe my son and I are wrong and we are not correctly assessing the situation, and the daughter-in-law is right, and I only think about myself and act selfishly and act to the detriment of my granddaughter ... I’m ready to hear any opinion from parties honestly. Help determine the priorities



Good evening everyone! For a long time I was looking for a branch where I could attach my problem, I think, here) I am 52. I am a grandmother of 2 grandchildren. The oldest is 7 years old, the youngest is one year old. With our granddaughter, we have mutual love, love))). She grew up before my eyes, lived young from her birth with me and my second husband in 30 sq. M., In her 3 years went to rent. Her mother went to work early, and the child was very often with me. I must also say that the daughter-in-law with a very complex explosive character. She herself also knows about this, and says that if her son, whom she loves madly, gets a wife like her, she will immediately beat her. And I, and a son with rather soft characters, try to avoid conflicts, but not spineless .... It so happened that even before retiring, I was relatively free in the winter, I worked part time in college (so her mother did not take hospital , I always sat with my granddaughter), and I’m very busy in the summer - seasonal work related to tourism. After retirement I continue to work, or rather to work hard without exaggeration, taking me to sleep 4-5 hours a day, in the summer. It so happened that the last three years I was in the month of October, after my summer work, after I was able to earn enough money for the season for our vacation with her, and not only, with my granddaughter flew to the sea, I will recover myself, and without it I not interested. I always chose a hotel for her, but “seal rest” is enough for me, the main thing is to switch and then not “work all nights” for half a winter) ... And now there is a problem. Granddaughter went to first grade. In the summer, as a child didn’t want me, I rarely took to her, saying that I need to earn money for our vacation. And on my so-called weekend, I was constantly resolving issues over the phone, because everything in our department was new, and the logistics were very complicated, and I couldn’t have paid the granddaughter proper attention. And now I got the situation from the series “get the fascist grenade ...” The daughter-in-law does not let the child go, motivating her not to miss school. I wanted to take a ticket from October 19 for 2 weeks, that is, we miss 5 school days before school holidays. She said that I’m going to school myself, I’ll take all the tasks, we will all work with her, but my daughter-in-law is categorically against, reasoning that these omissions will be a disrespectful reason for the school, and that th



take all the tasks, we will all work with her, but my daughter-in-law is categorically against, reasoning that these omissions will be a disrespectful reason for the school, and that the granddaughter will not take classes with me properly, as I am a grandmother ... But I myself am a former teacher, although I was in high school, but I was a strong teacher, I worked in correctional classes and with ordinary children, at school, college, lectured at the university, and was engaged in tutoring, to me were recorded in the queue. My son, for a child to fly to the sea. As a result, we have a wild scandal. I also want to add that the daughter-in-law is not working now, on maternity leave, they took a mortgage, We live in a province in the north, this is because in the next 10 years they won’t be able to take their children to the sea if I don’t pay them all. But in winter I only have a pension, and I get my income closer to September. To go only for the autumn holidays, it will be a week, I see no reason, only adaptation will take place, and fly back. I don’t want one, and how I’ll look into the child’s eyes later, she is waiting for this trip ... In short, the dialect: 5 missed school days and, as a result, 2 weeks at sea, or completely abandon the trip, 7 days of the sea, with such a difference in climatic conditions, I personally don’t see the point, and I don’t understand th\


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